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Case study 4: Complete market entry strategy


A healthcare technology start-up was looking at expanding its business in Southeast Asia.


  • Conducted a detailed market per market analysis, identifying possible regulatory bottlenecks, needs for the Client’s solution, competitor landscape and stakeholders that might influence the company’s success.
  • Ranked the markets based on risks and opportunities; developed a complete risk assessment for the 2 priority countries and identified the path to market to inform the Client’s strategy.
  • Designed a pilot project in the Philippines to showcase the Client’s solution and build trust with key stakeholders. Advised the Client through the whole implementation: from stakeholders’ engagement, through to labour law requirements and communications strategy.

Measurable results

  • Following the successful implementation of its pilot project, the Client was able to commercialise its solution in the Philippines.
  • The Client is now expanding in Southeast Asia, starting with Vietnam as advised by the market analysis conducted.